Friday Favorites – 4/26/24

Happy Friday! This has been a great week and I have a random list of favorites for you. Let’s get to it!

Linking up with Erika and Andrea

Favorite 1: SHOES! I ordered these a few weeks ago and put them to the teacher test. I wore them all day on a busy Thursday and they passed! These shoes didn’t rub, they were cushioned enough, and I felt great at the end of the day!

Favorite 2: DRESS AND CARDIGAN! I know this isn’t a Fashion Files post, but this dress and cardigan deserve a spot in my favorites! They also passed the teacher test!

Favorite 3: GOLF! Luke, Jeff, our dads, and I went to Jack’s golf match this week. It was a beautiful day to walk the course and support Jack. It was a great match because the team won and clinched a playoff spot!

Favorite 4: NAIL POLISH!! I have had my eye on these nail illuminators and nail veils for a while. A Home Shopping Network ad got me. They were offering four bottles for $32 and I had a discount code so I got them for $20. I put two coats of the perfecting nail veil #7 on my fingers and pink illuninating nail concealer on my toes. They are both pretty shear but I really like them. You can see my toes in the background.

Favorite 5: SPRING VIBES! One of my fifth grade students told me I was giving total spring vibes yesterday. I will take that compliment! I mixed patterns and added a few bracelets from Gray Co. I love this outfit. The pants are Lilly Emora pants and an old favorite Gap cardigan.

Favorite 6: BOOKS! I have been reading A TON this week. I’m reading Every Time I Go On Vacation, Someone Dies before bed. I’m reading Home Away From Home while I’m waiting for kids at practices. I started Dogtown at school. I am enjoying all three and hope to get a bunch of reading in this weekend!

Hello Monday
Reading Update
What’s Up Wednesday
Monthly Musings

We have a pretty normal weekend ahead of us. I am hoping to get a lot done around the house around the boys’ activities. Sunday looks beautiful so I’ll be hustling to get out to my favorite reading seat in the house.

I hope you have a great weekend full of sunshine and books!

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9 thoughts on “Friday Favorites – 4/26/24

  1. Alison says:

    Love those sandals and the cute dress! Your backyard is a beautiful place for reading! Hope you enjoy some time out there this weekend.

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