Monthly Musings – 4/25/24

Happy Thursday! It’s the last Thursday of the month so I am linking up with Holly and Patty to answer 10 fun seasonal questions. I love thinking about my answers and seeing everyone else’s answers, too!

In January, we talked about winter self-care.

In February, we are talked about surviving the winter months.

In March, we talked about spring fashion.

This month we are talking about all things spring.

1. Favorite thing about spring?

Warmer weather, longer sunshine, and more time outside are my favorites.

2. What are your spring traditions?

We don’t really have any spring traditions. We celebrate Easter and two birthdays in the spring so those are most of our traditions. We always watch The Masters, The Kentucky Derby, and Preakness. In past years, we’ve gone to Preakness with Jeff’s parents and siblings. It is always fun, but we aren’t going this year.

3. Favorite spring outfits?

I was just talking about this yesterday at work. I enjoy wearing skirts and dresses to work. I am going to focus on reaching for them when I get dressed this spring.

I also love when the weather is warm enough for shorts, but you can wear a long sleeve tshirt or quarter zip.

4. Favorite springtime meal?

I love when we start grilling again. Grilled chicken with a big salad and roasted potatoes sounds so yummy to me right now.

5. Spring rain… love or loathe?

I love the occassional spring shower, especially when it means practice is canceled and we can tuck in at home. However, we have had so much rain this year that I am really ready for the sun to shine.

6. Favorite spring flower?

I love peonies! I also love daffodils and tulips. My mom has a snowball tree right by her front porch that is also a favorite when it blooms.

7. Do you get seasonal allergies?

Yes, but they aren’t very bad. I still spend a bunch of time outside and would love to open the windows for weeks on end. My family does have seasonal allergies and they are pretty rough. We have a GIANT oak tree in front of our house that looks like a pollen tree right now so the windows are staying closed.

8. Favorite springtime beverage?

I don’t really have a favorite spring beverage. An ice cold glass of white wine on my deck is the evening sunshine is pretty great. I do like to put lemons and limes in my water in the spring for a little flavor.

9. Do you change your home decor for spring?

I have two spring wreaths, but that is about it. I put one on the front door and one on the back door. The front door has yellow flowers and the back door has pink and white tulips.

10. Lemon meringue or strawberry shortcake?

Ooooo, I like both!

I am really ready for warmer spring weather now. Our forecast is looking more like summer than spring next week but I am not complaining!

I’ll be back tomorrow with some favorites from this week. Have a great day full of sunshine and books!

8 thoughts on “Monthly Musings – 4/25/24

  1. Joanne says:

    Wow your next week does look warm! Ours is supposed to get up into the 70’s so I’m very excited. Maybe I can turn the heat off (again!). I had a hard time picking a favorite flower because I really do like so many of them.

  2. jgalvinwhite says:

    I hadn’t thought about it – but I love wearing shorts and a zip up/ sweatshirt/sweater. It’s a great combo late spring and early summer. I guess it’s also why I like dress/cardigan combo for school.

    • Patty says:

      Now that I am back to work every day I too am going to reach for dresses. They actually male getting ready a snap. Thanks for joining us!


  3. jodaley says:

    I enjoyed reading your answers. We are warm but the air is full of pollen still so I’m not out in it as much as I’d like to be. Hopefully we’re on the tail end of it and can sit out on the porches soon. I hopped over from another blog who also posted in this link up. I might try it in May…do you post the topic/questions on a particular date or keep a list somewhere? Have a great day!

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