Friday Favorites – 10/27/23

Happy Friday! It finally happened! Our week calmed down! It was amazing and I almost didn’t know what to do with myself, but don’t worry I figured it out!

Linking up with Erika and Andrea

Favorite 1: SUNSHINE!! Oh my goodness! This week has been absolutely beautiful!! I was off Wednesday afternoon to take Luke to a doctor’s appointment. He went back to school and I spent some time reading on the deck.

I had parent teacher conferences on Thursday after school. I volunteered for door duty and got to sit outside reading while letting people in the building for a conference.

I’m loving wearing sandals and lightweight cardigans a little longer. We’ve opened windows for fresh air and it feels so good each afternoon.

Favorite 2: CONFERENCES!! This is a weird favorite, I know, but it is still a favorite. I had parent teacher conferences for both kids and I am so proud of what I heard. Sure, they are doing well at school, but I already figured that out based on their assignments and teacher comments. The good stuff was the social emotional information. Both kids are being respectful students, good friends, advocating for themselves, and figuring things out.

I also love conference nights because it is a mostly free evening for me to get things done at work. I have occasional conferences with parents, but not many. As a school librarian/media specialist, I have the teacher contract so I do 4 conference nights a year like other teachers. I do love that it is a chance to chat with parents if they pop in the library to say hi. Last night was a good mix of seeing parents and being productive – perfection!

Favorite 3: HOMECOMING! We all went to the homecoming football game on Friday night and Jack went to the dance on Saturday. He had a blast! Jeff and I had a good time with some of the parents while the kids were at the dance. Tonight we are heading to another homecoming football game at our local high school. There is a parade beforehand and it’s a fun tradition.

Favorite 4: RUNNING! I am trying to run more this month and I love how I feel when I run and after running. Those endorphins are the best! It is amazing how much calmer and less stressed I feel after a few miles. Note to self – keep running as things get busy in November and December.

Old picture, but that running glow is there!

Favorite 5: INTERNET RECIPES!! I am so tired of our regular meals and the internet is helping! I’m finding recipes that I follow exactly, recipes I modify to make them gluten or dairy free, and recipes that inspire me to make up my own recipes.
Chicken Tortilla Soup
Stuffed Peppers
Greek Lemon Chicken Soup

My next internet search will be for quick, high protein snacks for kids. My boys are always hungry these days and I am looking for some new healthy, filling snacks. They love cheese sticks, Greek yogurt, apples and peanut butter, granola bars, yogurt smoothies, and peanut butter crackers. Do you have any suggestions? Thanks sharing!

Hello Monday
Monthly Musings

I was planning on blogging more this week, but all that free time messed with my routines. Oops! I’ll be back on Monday for Hello Monday. Be sure to come back for that. I am hoping to spend a bunch of time outside and get some things done around the house this weekend. Have a great day weekend of sunshine and books!

7 thoughts on “Friday Favorites – 10/27/23

  1. Joanne says:

    I really don’t have any more snack suggestions than those you listed though my boys do like the Special K protein bars and they are more filling than a standard granola bar. Smart of you to volunteer for door duty on such a beautiful day too!

  2. Holly Breton @ Pink Lady says:

    What a great week! Glad things were a little more calm for you. I am loving this awesome stretch of weather too! 🙂 How about cheese and pepperoni roll ups for a snack? Also individual packs of peanuts or mixed nuts?

  3. jgalvinwhite says:

    I’m glad homecoming was a success! Love the pics of the boys. It’s always nice to hear how our kids are doing. A neighbor texted me recently…she hadn’t seen hayden in a while, and he was out on his bike. She said that he stopped and said hi and was so polite. I love getting texts like that. You had great weather for being a greeter. Good call to bring a book. Have a great weekend.

  4. Kim Carberry says:

    I am glad you have had a calm week. It sounds like you needed it.
    Oh wow! Send some of that sunshine over here, I’ve had nothing but grey skies and rain!
    I used to love my girls parent teacher conferences at school. It was always good to hear about how they were getting on. It sounds like your two are doing well.

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