Friday Favorites – 4/19/24

Happy Friday! I have a pretty short list of big favorites for you today. Let’s get to it!

Linking up with Erika and Andrea

Favorite 1: TEENAGERS!! Today is Luke’s 13th birthday! We officially only have teenagers and forty-somethings in our house. We are celebrating throughout the weekend and are so proud of our 13 year old!!

Favorite 2: SUNSHINE! I have been loving the sunshine this week. Between practices, walks, running, and reading on the deck, the sun has been shining all week!

Favorite 3: POOL! I shared a pool countdown on Wednesday and now we are down to 36 days until the pool opens! When I was on a walk this week, I popped in to check on the pool. I can’t wait to be sitting poolside!

Hello Monday
Wednesday Hodgepodge
Fashion Files

I hope you had a great week! I am looking forward to our weekend. It’s going to be a good mix of celebrating, cheering, and relaxing. Have a great weekend full of sunshine and books!

4 thoughts on “Friday Favorites – 4/19/24

  1. Joanne says:

    Yay congrats to your latest teen! I have LOVED having teenagers so much… our oldest is just a week or so away from being out of his teen years and I can’t believe how fast they flew by.

  2. Tanya says:

    Happy birthday to your new teenager! That is so fun that your pool opens soon. I need to check our local neighborhood pool calendar! Hope you have a good weekend!

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