Declare It Day!

Happy Wednesday! Last weekend a few girlfriends and I celebrated Declare It Day!

This is the third Declare It Day event that I have hosted and each one gets better and better! Last year, I celebrated with these girls:

I set two goals for myself. I am sad to say I didn’t meet either of them.

I read 47 books this year. 13 books shy of my goal, but I did read more in 2018 than I did in 2017. This goal of 60 was a big stretch and I had a few books that took me a long time to get through. I feel good about reading 47 and hope I can read even more this year. We have a few car rides and plane trips planned so that should provide some good reading time.

This one took me a long time to get started on. I tried to add some pushups or planks or weights here and there to my workout, but it never stuck. We joined a gym in December and that was just what I needed to work on my strength. Body Pump and Barre classes are my favorites and I am sore stronger already! I’m going to keep going to classes and getting stronger!

2 years ago I celebrated with Jamie and Sarah. We had a bunch of fun!

Ok, on to this year’s celebration! I was planning on having a brunch again, but Luke and Jack both had a game at the same time so I moved the event to 6 pm and called it dinner. I had a bunch of dips and some yummy, not quite cooked mint brownies. I tried to have some healthier options (salsa, guacamole, lots of fruits and veggies) since we most of us were going to be declaring a health related goal.

When these fabulous ladies arrived, we had a little bit to eat and started moving our bodies. We used 3 dice to decide how to move. I had 6 exercise (plank-jacks, pushups, triceps dips, bicycles, squats, and ). The first dice told us which exercise and the other 2 told us how many.

I was very excited about the declaring table. In the past I’ve gotten the girls a flower to inspire their goals but this year I picked my FAVORITE Fellow Flowers print. I love this print so much that I have it framed and I have it on a tank top.

I love everything about the print – the sunrise, the promise of what’s to come, the conscious decision to keep at it. I had a packet for each lady with the print and a declaration behind it.

We all moved to the table and got to work writing out our goals. Everyone shared their goals and filled out the declaration page.

Kourtni and Kelly decided to color their prints. I love how they turned out!

It was a great evening and we talked pretty late into the night. I think the last girls left around 11. These are some of my best girlfriends and I love every minute I get to spend with them. I especially love Declare It Day because we all reflect on how our year went and what we are hoping for 2019.

Here are my two goals for 2019.

This is the same goal I set for myself in 2017. I felt like I needed to get back to putting good stuff into my body again. I am going to challenge myself to read 3 more books than I did last year. I want to stop scrolling through social media and pick my books up a little more. I haven’t been so good about drinking water in the past 6 months. I feel so much better when I drink more water and less soda so it is my DID goal! I am determined to feel great in 2019!

My second goal is all about running. I have been keeping up with my run streak (today is day 766) but I haven’t been running with a purpose. I want to love the running I am doing or at least feel like I am running for a reason. I am going to run a 10K, a 10 miler, and a half-marathon. I’m compiling my list of races to sign up for.

So if you need me this year, I’ll be running, reading, and drinking lots of water.

I hope you have a great day full of sunshine and books!!

Linking up with Lindsay and the Welcome Wednesday girls.

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