Monthly Goals – 5/2/24

Happy Thursday! Here we are at the beginning of another new month! I am sharing a little update on my goals from last month and what I am working on this month.

I think April flew by! I had to look back at my post from the beginning of April to track my progress. That’s not really a good sign, but here goes nothing…

1. Walk or run at least 5 days a week – I did it!
2. Spend at least 23 minutes outside – I did it most days.
3. Do 4 Peloton strength, yoga, or pilates workouts a week – Nope. I only did 8 Peloton workouts this month so I got half of my goal.
4. Read one adult nonfiction book – Nope, I signed up for a committee and I need to read 20 kids novels and graphic novels by May 15. I read A TON, but not a single adult nonfiction book.
5. Go through pajamas, long sleeve shirts, and short sleeve shirts – I did pajamas and some short sleeve shirts.

I’m happy to be running more and keeping up my walks. I am loving the outside time. My hips and hamstrings are loudly reminding me that I need to do more yoga and strength with the added running. I’m not calling it a total bust, but I will continue some of these in May.

1. Run 3 days a week.

I’m usually only running at Luke’s soccer practice, but I want to add one more day of running. I am typing this right now on Wednesday night after a run/walk and I am remembering how much I love the way running makes me feel. Let’s do it May!

2. Read one nonfiction book.

I have a book ready to go as soon as I finish my May 15th meeting about those 20 kids’ books.

3. Spend time on the Peloton app every weekday morning, even if it is a 5 minute stretch.

A routine can be built 2 minutes at a time. I need to peel myself out of bed when that alarm goes off and turn on the app. I’ve set this goal for a few months now and I’m getting tired of saying “Nope.” This is my month.

4. Eat dinner early if I’m hungry.

At this point in the spring, we are not eating family dinner during the week. Most days I get home around 3 and don’t sit down until I get in the car at 5:15 to take Luke to a practice. I am loading the dishwasher, prepping lunches for the next day, making dinner, packing up dinner to be eaten in the car or reheated when Jack and Jeff get home, and cleaning up dinner. I am hungry during all this and snacking more. Then I sit down to eat at Luke’s practice and I’m not hungry. Then when we get home around 8, I am hungry again and that’s no time to eat dinner. I need to eat the dinner when I’m hungry and avoid all that snacking.

5. Find the joy!

This one is tiny and huge at the same time, right Holly? I am usually good at finding the good or at least looking at the bright side, but May gets busy and sometimes I forget to find the joy. I saw this on Instagram and loved it. Do you follow Stacie Swift? I love her account!

May is always a CRAZY month and I think these goals will help me feel good. It’s only May 2nd, but yesterday I ran, spent a bunch of time outside, and found some joy all throughout my day! I hope you have goals or plans to do things that make you feel good! What are your goals this month? Is there anything you want to share? I’m here to encourage you! Have a great day full of sunshine and books!

2 thoughts on “Monthly Goals – 5/2/24

  1. Holly Breton @ Pink Lady says:

    YES! Find and Follow that JOY- makes all the difference. Love that meme- will def find her account-thank you for sharing. Your goals just brightened my day- you are always an inspiration to me but I found this extra exciting with the way you break down your goals- going to give some a shot- thanks 🙂

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