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What’s Up Wednesday on Monday – 3/29/21


Happy Monday! I have a celebratory post planned for Wednesday so I’m sharing What’s up Wednesday a little early this week.

Linking up here

What we’re eating this week…

What I’m reminiscing about…

I’ve actually been reminiscing about last year when everything shut down. I didn’t realize how it would change everything for over a year and I really enjoyed the slower pace. I went on 3 walks each day. We played games and did puzzles. Jeff started his home school. The kids played outside all day long. It was such a drastic change from how our spring was going. I’ve been thinking about it a lot lately.

We are also about to start birthday season so I’ve been thinking about the boys’ birthdays and Easter pictures.

What I’m loving…

This evening sunshine is sooo good!! I am loving the wonderful weather we’ve had lately!

What we’ve been up to…

We’ve been running around a bunch. The kids had their first swim meet in over a year.

I’ve been dusting and mopping more than I ever have in my whole life! Drywall dust gets EVERYWHERE and I’m trying to contain it as much as I can! I think I’m single handedly keeping Swiffer and multi surface Windex in business!

What I’m dreading

The great thing about spring and ending these home renovations is that I am dreading NOTHING!!! Things are looking great around here!

What I’m working on…

I’m painting our powder room. I’ve never painted anything before. Jeff and his mom painted just about every room in our townhouse and they did a great job! I’m hoping to do half as good a job. I tackled the ceiling yesterday afternoon and I’m hoping to prime and paint the walls this week. I’m hoping it goes well! If it does, I’ll probably spend Saturday morning painting the bottom half of our current dining room, soon to be office.

What I’m excited about…

I decided on Declare It Day to start running again. I am excited to start running again this month! I know it’s going to be a slow start and I’ll definitely be running intervals to begin. I am totally fine with it because I am ready to start running again taking a year off.

If you are new here, I had a 1200 day run streak that I ended last April. After my run streak ended, I pretty much stopped running. I walked a lot last spring and summer. In the fall I started lifting more weights and doing HIIT workouts. I miss running but I really miss the way running clears my mind and beats my stress.

What I’m watching/reading

I haven’t been watching much tv lately, but I have managed to squeeze in a few episodes of Virgin River. Has anyone else watched it? I really like it, but after season 1 I was wondering if the actress that plays Hope was getting tired of wearing that maroon coat? She wore it in every single episode!

I haven’t read too much this month because I keep falling asleep when I sit down to read at night. I’m actually abandoning a book right now, Grace and Steel. I haven’t done this is in a really long time. I’m not abandoning it forever, just until I can get an ebook copy from the library. I am enjoying the parts that I’ve read but it’s overdue and I can’t renew it right now. I’m excited to start reading some summer-ish books!

What I’m wearing…

I decided two things about my clothes this weekend. 1-If there are comfy clothes or spring clothes that I don’t wear this season, they are going into the donate pile. 2-I am not going to buy any clothes in April or May to get a better grasp on what I have and what I wear. So, this means that I’ll be wearing a lot of different clothes. We’ll see what happens!

In the meantime, I’ve been wearing some fun Easter and spring jewelry. You know they are from Cora’s Den. 😊

What I’m doing this weekend…

We are going to visit the Peep show on Friday with my mom. I’m painting our dining room on Saturday. Hopefully we will also be moving furniture and putting the house back together. On Sunday we are celebrating Easter with both sides of our family.

What I’m looking forward to next month…

I’m looking forward to celebrating birthdays and Easter, but I am REALLY looking forward to using our new mudroom and family room! We are getting close and I am so excited!

I’ll be back tomorrow with Tuesday Book Release Day and some new books! Have a great day full of sunshine and books!

Linking up with Tanya and the girls for Hello Monday
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