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Friday Favorites – 2/1/9


Happy Friday! I don’t know about you, but I can’t believe it is February already. Usually this is me:

However, this year I feel like January went pretty fast. I don’t know if it is because we were pretty busy or the lack of a consistent school schedule but I can’t believe it is already February. I am linking up with Erika, Narci, and Andrea to share my favorites from this week.

Favorite 1: EXCITEMENT FOR SNOW DAYS!! When the week started there was a threat of snow and really cold weather. They weather apps had totally conflicting time of arrival for the snow and crazy windchills. I love the excitement of waking up and checking to see if we have school or not. We ended up with a 3 hour early dismissal on Tuesday, a snow day on Wednesday, a 2 hour delay on Thursday, and today is a teacher work day with a threat of more snow. Needless to say, this was a pretty exciting week!

Favorite 2: SNOW DAYS!! I had the most relaxing snow day I’ve had since the kids were born on Wednesday. The boys had friends over all day and it was amazing! Everyone was entertained, no one asked to watch tv or play on iPads, and all four boys played together for most of the day. We went to the gym and they played with buddies. Then we had a yummy pizza lunch and the kids got right back to playing. I got a lot done around the house and read my book. It was seriously amazing!!

Favorite 3: NAIL POLISH!! Every year I get gel polish on my nails right before Thanksgiving. I keep up with the gel polish through January 1st. I love when my nails are painted. I feel like it finishes my outfit or look. The holiday season is so busy that I don’t always have time to repaint my nails every few days so I get gel polish every 10 days from Thanksgiving to New Year’s Day. I love getting back to painting my nails in January. I find it very relaxing and it forces me to sit still in the evening. I sit down with Jeff, paint my nails while we watch a show, and then read my book until bedtime. It’s a great way to spend my evening. I’m loving this color, Essie Press Pause. It’s a very light gray with blue tones.

Favorite 4: SUNRISE!! I love sunrises! I love the promise of a new day that they bring. I love the beautiful colors in they sky. I love the peace that usually accompanies that time of day. I love that a sunrise means the sun is going to be shining soon. 😎

Favorite 5: BOOKS AND THE BEACH!! I had a great time at the beach last weekend. Even though it was chilly, the sun was shining all weekend. We went to my favorite beach bookstore and I picked up two books I have been looking for. When I get to add 7 fabulous friends to the books and the beach, it is an automatic favorite!!

That’s it for today! I am so excited to celebrate some serious commitments and goal making this weekend for Declare It Day with some of my closest girlfriends! It is a Fellow Flowers event, check it out here and sign up for free! This is the third Declare It Day event I have hosted and it is always a great time. We will move our bodies, have lots of fun, and set some goals. Check out last year’s Declare It Day brunch and my goals from the year before.

I am also linking up with The Blended Blog to share Friday loves.

I hope everyone has a great weekend full of sunshine and books!

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