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Friday Favorites – 5/13/22


Happy Friday! This has been a good week! The sun was shining and we got to spend a bunch of time out enjoying it!

Linking up with Erika and Andrea

Favorite 1: SUNSHINE!! We spent a bunch of time outside in the evenings this week and it has been wonderful. Most of it has been on a soccer sideline, but sunshine is sunshine and I’ll take it.

Favorite 2: FIELD TRIPS! I got to chaperone Luke’s field trip on Wednesday. We went to a park and we hiked, netted, and enjoyed the beautiful weather! This was my last elementary school field trip and I soaked up every minute with my buddy!

Favorite 3: GOLF!! Jack had the idea to give me golf lessons for Mother’s Day and I can’t wait to get out there. He’s been giving me some pointers that really improved my game already. Playing with Jack is so fun because he loves it so much! I got to watch him play in a tournament on Sunday and then he and my dad played again this week. He loves it and I am starting to also.

Favorite 4: MOMS!! We celebrated Jeff’s mom and my mom on Sunday at breakfast and dinner. I was pretty celebrated all day! Being a mom is my favorite thing!!

Favorite 5: FACETIME!! I’m still FaceTiming Maggie and she is too funny! I love having dinner with her (and my sister)!

Favorite 6: MAY!! Well, I’m not sure May is a favorite but these pictures made me giggle because it’s how our May is going…

Favorite 7: ENERGY!! I stumbled across these two images on Instagram. I love the comparison between energy takers and givers. Now, I won’t be eliminating all the energy takers 🥂 but it’s a good place to start looking.

Hello Monday
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We have a pretty normal weekend ahead of us – lacrosse, soccer, golf. I am hoping the weather cooperates and doesn’t rain, but it’s not looking good. I’m hoping to finish a few graphic novels and the book I’m reading on my kindle. We may go visit the pool if the weather is suitable. Have a great day full of sunshine and books!

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