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Let’s Look – 3/16/22


Happy Wednesday! It’s a Let’s Look Wednesday! This is one of my favorite posts of the month because I’m so curious. I love to see how other people do things.

Liking up with Erika and Shay

In January, I shared how I organize for the new year.

In February, I shared what I eat in a week.

This month, I’m sharing my high school or college favorites. This is a tricky one because I’m not sure what favorites to share.

I have always loved Gap! In high school, college, and beyond, Gap has always been there for me! I had a pair of tan linen overalls that I loved in high school and college! Gap sweaters are the best! I also love Gap jeans. In fact, they’re still my favorites!

Another favorite was Columbia or BMG CD clubs. I got so much great music for just a penny!

I loved my car!! I drove a 1988 gray Toyota Corolla. It was a two door and had a sunroof. It was pretty much indestructible and I drove it EVERYWHERE!! We called it “The Tank”. One time, our family mechanic called me into his office to let me know he found some long grass under the car and that my Corolla wasn’t an off road vehicle! Ha! 😂

We had a dance after every home football game in high school. They were so much fun! When the game ended, we all went over to the gym and danced for hours with our friends. As an adult looking back, that was a smart way to keep kids out of trouble after a football game. As a kid I just thought we were having the time of our lives! I feel like I am right back in the high school gym every time I hear a song from the Jock Jams album.

My college favorites have to include these girls! We all met our freshman year when we lived on the same hall and we lived together all four years. We still keep in touch and try to get together once a year.

After our senior year

My high school girlfriends are some of my favorites, too! In this group I went to high school with six of the girls! Here we are, still friends, 20+ years later.

It was fun to think back to how much fun I had in high school and college. Most of all, it made me want to make plans to see those girls soon! Have a great day full of sunshine and books!

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