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Let’s Look – 2/9/22


Happy Wednesday! I’m linking up with Shay and Erika to take a look at one part of life. This month I am sharing what I eat in a week.

Over the past year and a half, I have discovered that protein is what makes me feel the best. I need to start and end my day with protein. For a while, I was tracking macros (protein, fats, and carbs) pretty closely. I stopped doing that, but I’m working on getting back to tracking. It’s an extra step in my day but I feel the best and have the most energy when I’m eating balanced macros.

I tend to eat eggs for breakfast. I love these from Trader Joe’s. Jack and Jeff love them, too. I’m certain I could figure out how to make them at home, but the convenience in the morning is wonderful.

I also use this to cook an egg or two. It goes right in the microwave and I love to add veggies and a little cheese to the egg. These eggs are the perfect shape for a bagel sandwich.

My lunch varies the most of all my food. Sometimes I pack leftovers and sometimes I pack a sandwich. Lunch is my favorite meal to eat out but my school schedule makes that tricky most days. Occasionally I’ll run out to Chick-fil-a or a local cafe. I always have fresh fruit in my lunch, usually strawberries, oranges, or grapes. I usually have fresh veggies in my lunch, too. I’ll cut up a bell pepper, cucumber, or carrots.

I’m trying to change up some of our dinner recipes. We have been eating a lot of roasted vegetables. I make a lot of shredded chicken and use it in a variety of recipes – tacos, taquitos, pulled bbq, chicken salad, etc. **Choices are what I call leftovers when we are going to have leftovers more than one day in a row. It’s so strange but no one complains when I call it choices. There tend to be complaints about leftovers, though.**

I try not to eat anything after dinner. I was doing intermittent fasting for a while, but I started taking a new medicine that I need to eat with early in the morning. My eating window has shifted and lengthened a bit, but I still try to finish eating with dinner.

I have a pretty giant sweet tooth. I even had a big candy bar at our wedding reception full of smarties, M&Ms (love you Annie!), pixie stix, orange slices, etc. I love Reese’s peanut butter candy (cups, holiday shapes, take 5, fast break) and probably eat more than I should. It’s all about balance – don’t forget all those fruits and veggies I’m eating at lunch and dinner.

My week in food might be a bit different in a few weeks. We were looking for an air fryer but I wanted one that could cook everything for our family in one batch. Jeff ordered the Ninja Foodi XL 10-in-1 contraption. I am still figuring it out, but I think we’ll use it a bunch once I do.

Most days, I only drink two things. I love Diet Coke and Diet Pepsi! They are my only caffeine source and I have one first thing in the morning and one at lunch. The rest of the day I drink water. I am most successful drinking water out of a big cup with a straw. Something about those straws make me drink so much more! I love Swig 32 ounce tumblers. They keep my ice from melting all day and stay so cold!

I can’t wait to see what everyone else is eating in a week! Hopefully, I’ll find some new ideas to spice up my lunches and dinners. Have a great day full of sunshine and books!

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