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Currently – 5/5/2021


Happy Wednesday! I am working from home, like I have every Wednesday since March 18, 2020. I really love the stay home day in the middle of the week! There’s no huge rush to get everyone out the door in the morning and the boys and I can have lunch together. Work/learn from home Wednesday also makes Tuesday afternoon/evening feel like Friday junior because I don’t have to pack lunches, make sure book bags are ready, or rush to get everyone to bed since they can sleep in a little on Wednesday. It’s a win all around. While I’m celebrating Tuesdays, I am linking up with Anne to share what else we are currently doing.

I am consuming…

All the things!! It’s Teacher Appreciation Week at school and our PTA and administration spoils us! I always call Teacher Appreciation Week elastic pants week because we are treated to yummy breakfasts, lunches, and snacks. It’s easily the most delicious week of the year!

I am exploring…

A new workout routine! I’ve been doing the FASTer Way since September and I’m ready to change it up. I had good success with the program and will keep the principals in my habits. I like intermittent fasting and carb cycling, so I am going to keep those in my healthy habits. I need to incorporate more running and yoga into my workouts. I want to keep the weight training and HIIT so I decided to to take a few months off from the FASTer way classes/workouts and try to design my own weekly routing using Peloton. Do you have any favorite classes or instructors that I should look for? I am looking forward to a change up.

I am getting…

Excited for the last 28 days of school! I have a ton to do of course, but I am excited for it. This has been a year like no other with some great parts, some really hard parts, and a lot flexibility. I love seeing all the students faces in person, even behind a mask, but I am ready for summer break this year!

I am hoping…

To get all these middle grade books read this month! I have a huge list to read for to help determine next year’s Battle of the Books books with our public library. I’ll have no problem reading all the graphic novels, but 10 middle grade novels in 5 weeks is a lot, especially when I want to keep reading my fun grown up books!

I am seeing…

The light at the end of the very long home improvement projects! All the furniture we have to move into place has been moved. I need to decide where to hang artwork and get window treatments. We need a few more pieces of furniture (a chair and a few tables or shelves), but I am not rushing into buying them. To be honest, I haven’t really been looking very hard right now. The only thing our contractors have left to do is put the rest of the siding up. It’s on order and should be here in about a week. The light at the end of this 7 months project is so so close!!

I just love these currently posts. It’s a quick and fun way to share what I’ve been doing. Don’t forget to check out my Summer Beach Reads post and comment with the book you are looking forward to reading this summer to be entered in a giveaway. Have a great day full of sunshine and books!

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