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September Goals – 9/16/20


Hello! I know that we are over halfway through September but I’ve been working on my September goals since day 1.

Before I get into my September goals, I thought I’d share an update on my August Goals. To be honest, when I sat down to write this post, I had no idea what my August goals were. Let’s see what I was thinking last month.

Goal 1: Drink 64 ounces of water. Sure did!
Goal 2: Read 5 books. Sure did!

Goal 3: Start running again. Nope! The doctor said no running until I get my orthotics.
Goal 4: Strength train 3 days a week, for real. Nope, but I did walk with my weights more.
Goal 5: Create my home library. Almost. I did it, but I am waiting for one part to come back in stock at Ikea and it doesn’t look like it will be in until the end of October.

One of the missing pieces.

Goal 6: Clean out the guest room. I tried! I have a few bags left to sell or donate, but for the most part I turned it into a room that can function as a learning space for Jack and a guest room.

Goal 7: Have a no fun spending month. Sort of. I did spend a little on fun things but I felt like I spent a lot on little things to get us ready for virtual learning.

Overall, I’d call August a pretty successful month. Most of the things I didn’t do were out of my control.

My September goals are short and sweet. To be honest, I knew virtual learning was going to take a lot of time, effort, and brain power so I set a few less goals.

Goal 1: Read 4 books.
Strategies: Continue reading during practices and before I go to bed, keep my book in my purse so I am always ready, and keep reading books I really want to read.

Goal 2: Only eat out 1 time each week.
Strategies: Meal plan and grocery shop early, prepare meals ahead, plan my lunches and prepare for them too.

Goal 3: Exercise every day.
Strategies: Workout before the kids get up for school, a walk counts, get those orthotics so I can start running.

Goal 4: Have intentional time with my family. Even though we are in the house all the time together, I am not spending intentional time with my people.
Strategies: play games with the boys, go on walks with Jeff, stop multitasking during conversations occasionally (I can’t stop completely).

Goal 5: Have fun turning 40!! It’s coming next week and I am determined to have fun with it. I had some big travel plans that COVID has cancelled but I’m not letting it cancel the fun!

Keep chasing your goals. I know I am! Have a great day full of sunshine and books!

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