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Monthly Musings – 7/30/2020


Happy Thursday! I am linking up with Holly and Patty to talk about vacations and staycations. This is the perfect topic for this week because I am writing from the beach!

1. Top five items you pack when headed on vacation?
Bathing suits, sneakers, Lilly, Kindle/books,

2. Packing cubes? Yes or no?
YES YES YES!! My whole family uses packing cubes and they are a total game changer!

3. Do you prefer warm or cold destinations?
WARM WARM WARM! I do have some cold weather places on my list of places to see, but I always pick warm weather.

4. Favorite vacation location of all time?
Oh, where do I begin??? Jeff and I honeymooned in the Canary Islands and Spain and I loved it!

We went to Aruba for the first time this year and I loved it!!

5. Given our state of affairs, what are your staycation tips?
The pool is a major game changer for us. It keeps everyone sane! We are also trying to explore our local spots in August. There are some state parks and other natural areas that the boys want to visit.

6. Camping? Glamping? Or uh…no!
NO NO NO! I have no desire to go camping ever. I consider putting more that’s 2 people in a hotel room camping.

7. How many states have you been to?
I’ve visited 20 states. That means I only have 30 more to go. 😉

8. Have you ever traveled by RV?
No, but I think it would be kinda fun. I could never drive it though. Never, ever.

9. Most random place you have ever been to?
I think the Canary Islands is the place I’ve been that the least amount of people I know have been. We loved Fuertaventura and stayed at the Sheraton. It just opened and we were the first Americans there. They were so excited to practice their American English that we got the red carpet treatment.

10. What is the first place you are traveling to when the pandemic is over?
We have had a few trips get cancelled due to the pandemic and I’d like to reschedule them. You may remember my 40th birthday world tour tank tops. Postponed! I’m hoping to get to Iceland and back to Aruba in the next year or so. I’d like to take our kids out west, too. My kids are itching to go somewhere soon too. In June, they mentioned/complained that we hadn’t been to another state in months! To be honest, that made my heart so happy that my kids have the urge to go and see the world.

What are your vacation or staycation plans? Whatever they are, I hope they are filled with sunshine and books

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