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Luke is 9 – 4/20/20


Happy Monday everyone! Luke turned nine yesterday and we celebrated him all day long! To keep the celebration going, I thought I’d share 9 things about him.

1. Blue for Luke! Luke loves the color blue. Anytime he has has to choose a color, he will choose blue. In fact he chooses it so often that we have a saying in our family, “Blue for Luke!”

2. Luke has no fear when it comes to trying new adventures. He very rarely stops to think “I could get hurt doing this”. My dad has always said that we should never let Luke’s health insurance lapse, ever! We’ve found him on top of the roof of the playground set more times that I can count. At one point in his life, he’d had more black eyes than haircuts. It was right after we moved and I was worried that his new daycare provider might be growing suspicious. Then I picked Luke up one day and he had a note saying he’d cut his tongue on the mulch after jumping from the very top of the play structure with his tongue out. He was fine and so were we. 😂

3. Luke is a snuggler. He loves to snuggle in close whenever he can. He’ll climb in bed with us in the morning and snuggle in close. He’ll snuggle while we are reading and watching tv. When he was just big enough to get out of his bed by himself, he would wake me up by tapping on my cheek and saying “I ‘nuggle you Mommy”.

4. Luke loves guys! He can play for hours with army guys and imaginext guys. Sometimes Luke has battles that go on for days all around the house. While we are home now, Luke had a battle last for almost a week that took place on all 3 levels of our house. They travel up and down the steps and through rooms.

5. Luke is our Noodle. When we picked our kids names, I was certain I did not want nicknames. I wanted their name to be the name we called them. Somehow Luke ended up with a nickname, Noodle! It’s come in pretty handy when he’s on a team with another Luke. He doesn’t like when I slip and call him Noodle at school, but he loves it at home and on the field. He even created a dance move called the Noodle Arms.

6. Luke loves to be read to. Even though he is nine and a good reader, he still loves to be read to every day. We are reading through some of my favorite books one chapter at a time. He is a great listener and snuggles right in to the reader.

7. Luke loves to laugh! His laugh is infectious and he can’t control it once he gets started. You can’t help but join him when Luke starts laughing.

8. Luke is a fort and nest builder. If he has at least two blankets and/or one chair, he will build a fort. He creates nests of blankets around him every night when he sleeps. He loves to build forts in his bed, under his bed, or all across the floor in his room.

9. We always say that Luke is the best big brother that never will be. He is so good with babies and kids smaller than him. He is willing to play anything that is fun for someone else. He is so kind to younger kids. He snuggles babies and loves to make them laugh.
I think this is because he is such a caring kid! He includes everyone. He comforts anyone that is hurting. He loves to have fun with everyone.

We are so happy that Luke complete our family! He’s a great brother, friend, and son. We love him so!
Have a great day full of sunshine and books!

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