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Let’s Look – 4/15/20


Happy Wednesday! I am linking up with Shay and Erika to share what’s in my purse. This Let’s Look series is one of my favorites because I am little bit nosy. I love to see inside other people’s day to day lives.

I have always been a big purse girl. I will use a smaller crossbody for an occasion, but I always go back to a big purse. It gets heavy but I don’t care. Right now I am using a St. Anne tote from Barrington Gifts. I also like the Barrington Gifts Savannah tote. I’ve been known to carry a small boat tote from LL Bean and a Jetsetter tote from Spartina. I love to monogram my bags/purses too.

Full disclosure before we get started. I pulled a handful of lists and receipts out of here when I emptied it out. I try to clean out my purse at least once a week, but it had gotten out of control lately. I guess I didn’t even think about it because we haven’t really been doing anything or going anywhere.

Here’s what I keep in that big purse. I usually have a few pouches in my purse to keep me organized. My biggest pouch is home to my coupons. I don’t cut a bunch of coupons but I do hang on to restaurant coupons that come in our monthly mailers. My sister gave me this pouch for Valentine’s Day years ago and I love it. It is absolutely true!

This pouch holds my pens and pencils. Kourtni gave it to me last year and I love it!

This pouch holds all the odds and end – lip gloss, hair ties, my work keys, Advil, etc. A student gave it to me a few years ago and I love that it is an old library card.

My next pouch is my gift cards pouch. I hang on to gift cards for a long time. I need to be better at using and enjoying them. I keep my keys in my purse because it’s always with me. My car has keyless entry and starting so I just need them with me.

The next little pouch is my headphones. I love the little case that Lilly headphones come in. They never get tangled and I don’t lose the little rubber pieces on the ears. I always keep a koozie with me. I usually have a Lilly one, but right now I am carrying this one from the Players last year.

I was carrying my sunglasses around the in the box they shipped in last year so Jeff got me this case. I love how it protects my glasses! My glasses are Shady Rays and they are great. I also keep a hand lotion with me. This one smells SO GOOD!! I am talking really good!! It is called Beach Blanket by Posh and every time I use it someone compliments the scent.

I am a perpetual list maker so I always need a notebook with me. I use the spiral Erin Condren notebooks because they have a lot of space, fit right in my purse, and I can reuse my planner covers on the notebooks.

I keep my badge in one of the 3 inside pockets so I can always find it in the mornings on my way into school. It is also good to keep with me to prove I am a teacher for discounts in some places. How cute is my ID holder? My friend Kelly gave it to me and that pink pineapple is perfection!

Isn’t my picture too funny – It hardly looks like me. I had just gotten my haircut so it was straight and I look yellow pale. Oh well, it still gets me in the building.

I love my wallet. It is in the map line from Spartina. It has held up really well and I can wipe it down with a Clorox wipe when I get home from anywhere I have to use it. I love how it shows our state on one side and then the beaches on the other.

Lastly, I always have tissues with me. I mean, do you even carry a mom purse without tissues? I usually have some gum or mints in there too.

I don’t have them in there right now because we aren’t really going anywhere, but I typically have my planner (Erin Condren all the way), my Kindle Paperwhite or a book, and a big cup of water in my purse too.

I traveled quite a bit with my sister this winter and the one thing she always said was how organized my bag is. It all fits in there so nicely and I can see what I’ve got.

So there you have it – a look at what’s in my purse. Am I missing anything?? Have a great day full of sunshine and books!

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