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April Goals – 4/6/20


Happy Monday! We had a good weekend over here. The weather was so beautiful this weekend! The kids were outside until the sun went down on Friday, Saturday, and Sunday. We grilled out on Saturday and Sunday. Jeff and I had a most productive Saturday. We cleaned out the garage and it was a big job. It was nice to get everything organized and pull some new/old games out for the boys to play. We had a family zoom chat with my parents and my sister and her fiance. It was fun to all be together, even virtually. Annie and Zach were supposed to get married on Saturday so it was a tough day, but they did a great job getting through it. Everything is rescheduled for September and we are super ready to celebrate them!

On Sunday, Jeff decided to tackle the yard. He spent 5 hours trimming, cleaning out gardens, mowing, and edging. I think he’ll spend a few more hours out there this week, but he got a great start to it. I cleaned out my closet and dressers and got a bunch of stuff ready to donate when the donation centers open back up. After this weekend, I have checked off everything but 2 things on my original Corona To Do List.

Next up – April Goals. My goals look a little different this month because everything is a little different this month. Here we go:

Goal 1: Walk 5+ miles every day. I need most of those miles to be outside.
Strategies: Wake up early enough to walk at least 1.5 miles before work, keep my handweights by the door to encourage me, take the boys with me, walk at lunch break, keep track in my planner (might as well use it for something)

Purple flower – no excuses – get those miles done!

Goal 2: Do one hour of yoga a week. This is a big jump from my 0 hours of yoga a week, but I think it will be good for my brain and my body to incorporate it.
Strategies: Keep my yoga mat handy, tell people that I am doing this, use the Down Dog app, invite my kids to join me, keep track in my planner (again, I’m not putting anything else in it)

Morning time on my yoga mat

Goal 3: Read my magazine. I get one magazine a month, Good Housekeeping, and I love it but I never make time it read it.
Strategies: Sunday afternoon magazine time, put it next to my chair to read while my kids are watching tv I’m not interested in)

Goal 4: Read at least 1 book a week. I have so many good books on my kindle right now from NetGalley that I really need to give them my time.
Strategies: Read when I wake up, less tv time, carry my kindle everywhere with me (in the house 😂), schedule reading time after my work time, family reading time when everyone reads together.

Currently reading and LOVING!!

Goal 5: Look for the sunshine. By that I mean keep finding the positives that are happening all around me, even in the midst of this scary pandemic.
Strategies: talk about things that went well at dinner, take some deep breaths throughout the day when things get hard, start and end each day with a positive thought or something I am thankful for, wear my jewelry reminders (Hoda’s forward ring and my Stella & Dot bracelet)

I’m sticking with those five goals. My most recent goals have all included eating from our fridge, freezer, and pantry and I’d like to update you that we are crushing it!! Our trips to the store are spread way further apart and we are using what we have. It feels good!

Have a great day full of sunshine and books!

Linking up with Tanya and the Hello Monday girls.

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