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Friday Favorites – 5/3/19


Hello Friday! I am so happy to see you!!! I am linking up with Erika, Narci, and Andrea today.

Favorite 1: JT MEMES! I love the Justin Timberlake May memes. They make me laugh every single time. These may be my two favorites!

Favorite 2: BASEBALL RUNS! I love baseball season. I love to watch my kids play and I love to cheer them on! Especially days like this, coming off the field after a big win!But I really love going for a run during warmups. Jack’s team has to be there 45 minutes early which gives me time to run a few miles and not miss any of the game. Last year, I ran with another mom on the team and I’m hoping we can do it again this year. The weather was beautiful for a run last night and I loved it!

Favorite 3: STELLA AND DOT!! I am really loving the wishing bracelets from Stella and Dot. I love that they have made the pulls metallic so they don’t get wet when you wash your hands. A friend was having a party so I picked up a few. The first one is perfect for an Orioles fan because it’s black and white on one side and orange on the other. Let’s Go O’s! The others are super cute too!

Favorite 5: SCHOOL LIBRARY MONTH! I love School Library Month because it is a whole month spent celebrating school libraries! And I love my school library job! I rocked my school library month t-shirts all month. Check them out on Instagram (@sunnyscp)! Kids made paper bag puppets of their favorite book characters and teachers decorated their doors with their favorite characters. Our school became a very bookish place last month and it was fabulous!

Favorite 6: SPRING CLOTHES!! I love the bright colors of spring clothes and was so excited to rock my yellow stripes, green necklace, and fun flip flops. Watch out everyone, here come my bright spring colors!!

I also picked up a pair of Canyon sandals by Circus by Sam Edelman. I actually ordered these bright orchid and a pair of true pink patent leather ones. The true pink ones aren’t here yet, but I love these! I had some trouble finding a coupon code for the Circus by Sam Edelman website, but I called their customer service and they hooked me up with free shipping and 15% off. I can’t wait to see the true pink ones!

Favorite 7: HAIR CUTS!! My boys are both trying to grow mullets, and they are pretty successful. They love them and my thoughts are “it’s only hair”. They got haircuts this week with our favorite Ms. Giselle. Giselle LOVES the boys mullets and is excited to help them grow these mullets out. This time Luke asked for a shampoo and he loved every second of it – the head massage, the massage chair, the warm water. Giselle is so good to my boys and we love supporting her local business.

That’s about it for the week. I am really looking forward to this weekend! Luke is making his first holy communion on Sunday. All of our fingers are crossed for sunshine on Sunday!! My sister and her boyfriend are coming into town to celebrate and I can’t wait to see them. Some of my aunts and uncles are coming in from out of town too. I am excited for Luke and looking forward to our Cinco de Mayo themed feast. Have a great weekend full of sunshine and books!

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