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Friday Favorites – 3/8/19


Hello Friday! I am so glad to see you!! We had school all five days this week!! We ended up with a 2 hour delay on Monday and today is an early dismissal day so it isn’t a full five days. We did have to get up, dressed, and out the door all five days. It felt a little good to get back to some semblance of a routine. I am linking up with Erika, Narci, and Andrea to share my favorites from the week.

Favorite 1: MY FAMILY!! I reintroduced my family to everyone on Wednesday. My favorite part of it was letting the boys introduce themselves. They both definitely put their favorite things first.

Favorite 2: BULL ROASTS!! We went to a bull roast for Jack’s travel baseball organization on Saturday and it was so much fun! I don’t know how we’ve missed the best party in Eldersburg for the past 5 years!! A few of my girlfriends didn’t come but they will most definitely be there next year! The food was delicious, the music was fantastic, and we were supporting the team heading to Cooperstown this year. You can’t beat it! There was also a silent auction and I won! I bid on a spray tan package and I can’t wait to get a little sunshiny glow! ☀️

Favorite 3: AUTHORS!! I had the opportunity to attend an evening with Kate Quinn in conversation with Greer MacAllister on Wednesday night. I am almost embarrassed to admit that I haven’t read The Alice Network yet. Don’t worry, it’s on my to-read list now! I am also looking forward to her new book The Huntress. Both are wartime historical fiction stories. I think I am going to start them when we get back from our trip next week.

Favorite 4: MR. LEMONCELLO!! After finishing Escape From Mr. Lemoncello’s Library by Chris Grabenstein, Jack and Luke begged to start the next one. We downloaded it on Audible and listen to it every time we get in the car. We’ve been listening to it snuggled on my bed too! My school partnered with other local elementary schools and the public library for scavenger hunts throughout the library related to the book. I went a few times to greet my students and hand out the prizes when they were able to solve the scavenger hunts.

Favorite 5: LUKE!! I got to spend some one on one time with Luke this week when he had a doctor’s appointment. We were in the beach room and he was pretty excited to get his picture taken while pretending to lounge by the beach/pool.

Soon buddy! We will be there soon!! 😎 ☀️ 🌊

We have a fun weekend coming up! Jack and I are going to run a 5k together and Luke is going to have some fun time with Pop. I’m still loving my shamrock shoes and can’t wait to rock them at our Irish themed run! Luke has his last basketball game on Sunday. I’m hoping to get away for a pedicure to get these feet Florida ready! Have a great weekend full of sunshine and books!

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