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Friday Favorites – 1/18/19


Happy Friday! For the second time this week I am writing my post unsure of what the morning will bring – 2 hour delay, snow day, or on time. My hope is 2 hour delay because I love a little extra time and I love summer days!

I am linking up with Erika, Narci, and Andrea to share my Friday favorites. I am also linking up with The Blended Blog for their Friday Features.

Favorite 1: JOLABOKAFLOD BOOK CLUB!! I know I have been talking about Seven Days of Us for weeks and you’re probably sick of it, but I have one more thing to say. I really liked the book. The characters are interesting and intertwined in a way that keeps me reading. My mom said that she liked it too but didn’t love the ending. My sister said that the ending was stupid. We texted back and forth about the book all day. We talked about how some parts reminded us of other books and tv shows. It really loved reading it together! If my mom, my sister, and I were to walk into a bookstore and buy one book, we would probably all pick a different book so I loved hearing what they had to say about this one. My mom said it best when she texted that the best part was reading together. My mom and sister don’t read quite as many books as I do, but I think I am going to start a seasonal book club with them. I am going to have my mom and sister pick the book for the Spring and Fall book clubs and I will pick the Summer book. I really miss being a part of an actual book club. This time in our life makes it tricky to be able to regularly meet with a group, so this will be the perfect solution!!

I am currently reading my second Jolabokaflod book club book. I gave Jeff’s mom The Glass Ocean and told her that we were going read it together. I am enjoying the book! It is told from 3 character’s perspective and I am pretty sure they are all going to intertwine by the end. I’ll let you know what we think of it.

Favorite 2: MEETING AUTHORS!! My mom, Kourtni, and I went to our local bookstore to see Sarah Pekkanan and Greer Hendricks talk about their newest book, An Anonymous Girl. It is another psychological thriller like their first book, The Wife Between Us. I recommend both books. They are suspenseful but not scary. I am a complete weenie when it comes to scary books or shows, and I love these two books! Go buy them, download them, do whatever you need to do to read these books!

Favorite 3: 7/8 LEGGINGS!! I am so excited that I have discovered the 7/8 leggings!! My legs are short for my height and these are the perfect length! I usually have to fold full length leggings and capris are too short to keep me warm in the winter. I shared the ones I have and the ones I have my eye on Wednesday. Check it out!

Favorite 4: LUKE!! Luke made his First Reconciliation on Saturday. It was so sweet! I am so proud of him and excited for him to be one step closer to his First Holy Communion! I wish it was appropriate for me to take pictures during the actual confession because his little face couldn’t have been any sweeter!!

Favorite 5: SLIM GOODBODY!! I am not sure if anyone remembers Slim Goodbody presentations from when we were little, but Slim is still around. Well, I should clarify, the program is still around. There is definitely a new Slim. We had the program at my last school four years ago and it was great. I was so excited that he was coming to my school and that my kiddos could see it. They loved the program!! If your school is looking for an educational, health or physical education related program that kids are going to love, check out Slim Goodbody!

Favorite 6: SNOW DAYS!! We had enough snow to cancel all our activities on Sunday and then had a snow day on Monday. It was wonderful! We played games, watched football, read books, and rested. The boys went sledding a bunch and I even tried to snowboard! I fell at the end, but at least I tried!

Favorite 7: OUR GYM!! We joined the gym last month and I am loving it. I am working out with my friends more, always a favorite! I have been adding some much needed strength training classes to my exercise routine. I can exercise while the boys are at swim practice which is a total time saver. We have taken the kids to the gym to play basketball quite a few times too! Also, it has been a nice excuse to freshen up my workout gear.

Favorite 8: SHOP SMALL!! I know it isn’t the Saturday after Thanksgiving, but I shared my favorite places to shop small on Tuesday and I wanted to share them again. I am loving shopping on our Main Street and getting great goodies from my friends!! Head over to my Tuesday post to find out who I am supporting. Then head out to your local small businesses and support them!

That’s all for the week! We have a fun 3 day weekend planned with basketball games and tournaments, a soccer scrimmage and futsol practice, some good family time, and maybe even more snow! I hope you have a weekend full of sunshine and books!

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