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TBB Asks November – 11/5/18


It is the first Monday in November so I am linking up the The Blended Blog for their monthly questions.  I’d love to hear what your thoughts are on these questions too.

1. Have you ever kept a gratitude journal?

I just started keeping a gratitude journal this month.  I’ve had one since January when my friend Lindsay gave me one as part of her Favorite Things gift. I decided that November was the perfect month to start keeping a journal. We’ve had an extraordinarily busy start to the school year. This is a perfect opportunity for me to slow down, reflect, and appreciate what’s going on in my life.

2. Hosting Thanksgiving at your house?

I am not hosting Thanksgiving. My mom LOVES Thanksgiving and she does a killer Thanksgiving dinner.  Her turkey is so yummy and the sides Mom plans are exactly what I think a Thanksgiving dinner should be.

3. Favorite food from the Thanksgiving meal?

My most favorite thing is the asparagus.  And you are probably going to say “ewww” when I tell you that we always have canned asparagus for Thanksgiving dinner.  I love asparagus any way I can get it – raw, steamed, grilled, and canned. And when it comes from a can, I’ll eat it cold or warm.  I don’t think there are many people out there that love asparagus as much as I do.  My second and third favorites are mashed potatoes and homemade rolls.

4. What one thing in nature are you most grateful for?

Sunrises! It has to be sunrises! I love the promise of a sunrise. There is a whole day to come with unlimited possibilities.  I love the beautiful colors. I love the how peaceful it is when I am up for a sunrise. And of course, I love to feel a little sunshine on my cheeks.

5. Pumpkin Pie: yes or no?


6. Traditional cookbook: yes or no?

Yes and no. For Thanksgiving dinner, absolutely. I love a traditional Thanksgiving (that includes my canned asparagus).  For the appetizers and desserts, nope. I don’t love traditional Thanksgiving desserts so I am happy to try something different.

7. Oven baked or deep fried turkey?

Yes! In the years when we have a big crowd for Thanksgiving, my mom baked a turkey and we fried a turkey outside.  They are both so tasty that I just can’t pick.

8. Thanksgiving leftovers: yes or no?

Nope. I just don’t love them.

9. What is the household product you are most grateful for?

I think I am most grateful for paper towels and shredded cheese. I tend to plow through paper towels when I am in the kitchen and I love how I can use them for everything. I do not shred cheese and will forever be grateful for preshredded cheese when I am following a recipe.

10. Are you most grateful for home cooked meals or restaurant meals?

It depends on the day. Most days, I am grateful for a yummy restaurant meal, but there are some days that nothing can beat a home cooked meal.

That’s it for today. We spent all day Sunday at a winter swim meet. I’ll recap our weekend on Wednesday this week.  The boys both swam so well and I am super proud of them!!

I hope you have a great week full of sunshine and books! We have off on Tuesday for Election Day – GO VOTE!!! – and I am pretty excited!

Linking up with Heather, Lindsay, and Johannah for Hello Monday!

☀️ 📚 😎

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