Friday Favorites – 6/15/18

It’s a special kind of Friday – the last day of school!!!! I’m linking up with Erika, Narci, and Andrea for Friday Favorites and the 5 on Friday girls.

Favorite 1: THE LAST DAY OF SCHOOL! Here I am

One happy girl! I really love my job, but I also really love summer! I read so much more. We are outside so much more. The schedule is so much easier. It’s just great!

Favorite 2: LAST PACKED LUNCH! I don’t know why but I don’t like to pack lunches. At all. Here is my last lunch of the school year and it makes me smile big!

Favorite 3: READING!! I’ve been reading a lot lately on the way to and from baseball games and it’s been wonderful!

Favorite 4: BABIES!! Our baby birds hatched and they are so cute!! I love watching these sweet babies grow. It happens so fast!

That’s it for the week. It’s short, but I’m tired. Last week of school tired. So, I’m heading to bed!

We have time trials for swim team on Saturday morning and Luke’s last baseball game on Saturday afternoon. Our Father’s Day plans include a day at the pool and a yummy dinner. I actually have to work Monday and Tuesday but I like those days. There are very few people at school and I get a ton done!

Have a wonderful weekend!!


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